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Brain Color Programs Available:
Sheila N. Glazov, created colorful personality profiles that simplify the complex nature of a
healthcare professional’s attributes and abilities while providing excellent care to patients and teamwork to co-workers. What Color Is Your Brain?® When Caring for Patients (co-authored by Denise Knoblauch, RN) is intended to facilitate effective communication and cooperation and minimize stress and frustration in numerous aspects of your work day.
Sheila will guide you through a "Healthcare Professional Brain Quiz" to determine your Brain Colors, effectively analyze your unique characteristics, and skillfully use her methods to identify your unique workplace traits and talents.
Sheila will teach you and your colleagues tangible tools, and provide relevant activities to help individuals and Brain Color groups learn more about their "Brainbow" personality, perspectives, and "Praiseworthy Gifts." Leaders, managers, and staff members will immediately transfer and easily apply their new knowledge and skills to:
Rather than offer an excuse for people’s unusual behavior, Sheila’s theory and programs help to explain why your perspective differs from or relates to the viewpoints of others. Relevant, engaging, educational, and relatable, What Color Is Your Brain?® When Caring for Patients is a guide to discovering and decoding who you are, why others see you the way they do, and how the four Brain Colors play a role in your patient care, career, and healthcare workplace.